How it works?

We have designed the ultimate wild team building event - but more than just helping you bond it will support you to think about the culture you create in your organisation when you step back into the office. We’ll start by taking some time to connect as a group and to make sure we arrive fully into the woods. We will split into ‘tribes’, each team will be assigned to create a place of welcome for the other tribes. We’ll set a series of challenges which might mean constructing a camp, preparing a meal or heat ready to receive a visit from another ‘tribe’.

The session will bring together a range of skills to be mastered but most importantly the team will be invited to use their imagination for how their camp could look and feel - ultimately, we’ll be working to create a tribal identity with its own hospitality rituals, cultures and stories – a place of welcome for the other tribes.

At the end of the session we’ll take time to reflect. What can we take back into our workplace? Is our workplace a place of welcome for everyone that comes there?