Dirt Time is tailored towards specific questions that you might be asking as a team or challenges you are facing.

Dirt Time can be offered as a day event for your team which can be extended into a deeper overnight experience and/or an evening with campfire dinner and storytelling.

We can design a fully immersive retreat or on-going programme specifically geared towards your needs. Whether you are grappling with a challenge or a process of change Dirt Time offers space and a canvas for creativity and meaningful conversations. They act as a transformational way to consider your purpose within the big-picture of the natural world.

Everything we offer will give you the tools and processes that you can use everyday in your organisation, supporting you all to find connection when you are back in the thick of it. We can take this further with a mentoring process to embed the foundational practices that can be applied even in the busiest of workplaces. 

Wild Well-being

We live in times of overwhelm. Many of us are struggling with too much busyness and it is becoming increasingly apparent in the workplace where we spend around 35% of our waking lives. The work pressures and challenges that all of us face in an ‘always on’, volatile, challenging environment are preventing people from thriving and all too often it leads to burn-out. For organisations, teams that are burnt out, disconnected and lacking in purpose rapidly become inefficient and ineffective.

Over the last few years the evidence has become overwhelmingly clear, if you want your organisation to thrive you need to do more to support the well-being of the people at the heart of it. Flexible working hours, on-site massage, fitness classes, and duvet days are just some of the perks you might already be offering in a bid to increase employee happiness, engagement, and productivity.

We think there is something even simpler that you should try, - Wild Well-being. By stepping away from our screens we can move into a deeper relationship with ourselves, our team and with the world around us. Find out more.

Wildly Creative

Creativity in organisations is more vital than ever, it fuels big ideas and big ideas help you stand out from the crowd. But how can we remain creative in an ‘always-on’ world? How do we step outside of the busyness of everyday work life to find space for creativity to flourish?

Often the solutions we find mean that we change what we do but they don’t change how we do things or the places where we choose to make things happen - creativity doesn’t happen around a flip-chart. It never has and it never will.

The natural world is the place of ultimate creativity, a constantly emerging, shifting canvas of possibilities. By stepping out of our pressure cooker of deadlines, e-mails and to-do lists we can start to engage all of our bodies, stimulate each of our senses and enter into a place where creativity might flourish. find out more

Wild on Purpose

Increasingly leaders are recognising that organisations need to rapidly and profoundly adapt in order to respond to the volatile and challenging world we find ourselves in - status quo is no longer an appropriate response. We need to redefine the purpose of business in this changing world.

Most leadership programmes take place in board-rooms but we think that the change we need requires us to step into a bigger enquiry engaging not just the mind but the body and the heart in these question of why we do what we do. Find out more

Wild Teams

The increasing work pressures and challenges that we face in an ‘always on’, volatile, challenging environment are preventing people from thriving and all too often it leads to burn-out. For organisations, teams that are burnt out, disconnected and lacking in purpose rapidly become inefficient and ineffective, they become less productive, focussed and cohesive.

If we are going to spend so much of our life at work, how we create a place of welcome for each other is vital. More than ever there is a case to be made for taking time out as a team to create an atmosphere of fun and connection. We will turn off our devices and engage in group and individual practices that connect us to each other and the world by fostering mindfulness and presence. We’ll take time to consider what these practices can offer us in our modern busy worlds, what can we take out of the woods with us to support us as a team? find out more

 Get in touch so we can discuss your needs in more detail.